I have been looking for a new profile picture for a while, one in which I did not look too horribly fat. Uncle John called me 'a Tank' last week. Most wounding but I have been scoffing the pies recently.
Anyway - this photo pleases me. I wish I could wear Martha all the time. She takes kilos off me!
Yummy Grummy
The Cleansing Pow'r
I decided to have a lovely relaxing bath this afternoon. Lots of hot water, lots of bubbles, a towel to keep my hair out of the bubbles and something intellectual to peruse. Heaven. It's wonderful to live in the quiet of the country.
Hark! There's Plum crowing. Never mind. A rooster crowing is part of the country atmosphere. Outside Bert opens up the chainsaw. Never mind. The noise of wood clearance is all part of living on a farm. The back door opens. It's one of Pearlie's carers. It's the singing one. She is singing, at the very top of her voice, “Washed In The Blood Of The Lamb”. She puts the kettle on. Singing away, thumping time on the counter tops as she waits for it to boil.
I lie in my suds. I usually seethe at the Singing Carer but who gives a hoot? I'm home for a little while. Let her sing her hymns. The mad old bat.
Stringing It

Last week I left a couple of items into Framework in Ballymena. They were an enlarged photograph of Lily and Rusty (a wee freebie from Photobox) and a poster I picked up in Burnham Market during Katy and Mark's wedding celebrations. I collected them today and was delighted with the results.

Rusty and Lily looking inquisitive
Only thing was I needed string for the hanging. Do you know how hard it is to buy string in Ballymena? Very difficult indeed. I tried Poundland and BM Bargains. No string. Lots and lots of customers there. All sorts of people too. Sign of the times. I bought interesting soup, envelopes and cheap drugs (cold remedies not crystal meth). But still there was no string.
Onwards to Sainsburys – I needed anchovies and a blouse and string. You know – your typical shopping list. Blouse easy to find, 25% off, very nice. Anchovies – wearisome and tedious trek around the entire store to find them. They were eventually located above frozen food cabinets. What is the logic? Beats me for sure. I bought four tins for God knows where they'll be next time I want them. String is not something that Sainsbury's customers have any call for. I left stringless.
Last port of call was my local garage in Cullybackey. I walked in, picked up some milk and called, “Darwin d'ye have any string?” Immediately a staff member darts to the back of the shop and comes back with the desired article. “Is that what you're after?”
At home, for the surprise of the thing, I got Bert in to open the carefully wrapped pictures of Desperate Dan, Rusty and Lily and there was the picture string already supplied. My searching had all been in vain.
My recommendations this week are for Framework, Hill Street Ballymena for a wonderful framing job and string and Hayes Garage, Dreen Road, Cullybackey for the usual great service and string.
Drumkeeran's Finest
Shilvodan - Smells Like Shit. Finest Kind Shit. Can I be an Estate Agent now?
Miss Martha Calls
A visit from Miss Martha cheers granny and great-granny up.
Today she was wearing the vintage coat that Cousin Sadie (aka the Surly Niece) brought her from Peru or Chile or Somewhere South American.
We're all rather pleased with it, especially Miss Martha who is keen on her vintage.
Big Mother
I'm here from half three to half five if you want to go out.
I will never forget youI held you in the palm of my hand
Being Here
I'm on my own in Tannaghmore with Matty. It's been a while. She is in bed and settled for the night. I'm sitting here with a small glass of wine writing this and listening to the incessant roar of traffic on the Lisnevenagh Road. In the next room Dancing on Ice plays softly. I wonder if Kerry Katona is going out? Matty gives an occasional rattly cough resulting from her latest infection.
I'm here for four sleeps and then Ganching comes. After that I'm here again for I don't know how many sleeps.
I dislike being away from home. I enjoy being around my own people, my animals and my own things. I've a huge bag of my own things with me. There are eight or more books. Bert said,
You must be going to do a lot of reading.
I say,
I want to be able to choose from a roughnance of my own books. Matty's books do not appeal to me.
I've three books on vegetable growing to peruse. I have two cameras. I have a Clothkits pinafore to sew. I have my iPod with an audiobook to finish and another freshly loaded. I have some mixed herbs. I have this laptop.
I find this a very boring house. I always have. When Matty was well there was at least the craic with her. There is not much of that now; only a bit of desultory chat for she is too tired for conversation now. When visitors call she generally nods off. The day is punctuated with care visits which start at 7:30am and finish around 9pm. In between there is medication, toileting, small meals to prepare, small amounts of cleaning to be carried out and many telephone calls to take.
That is what it is like now. Perhaps sometime in the future I will yearn for this boredom.
Judy's First Trip To The Seaside

Work Experience

Every Picture Tells A Story
One day when Judy was a very small pup and Lily and Rusty were quite a bit smaller than they are now, she tripped up to them all trusting and puppish and Rusty nipped her and tossed her in the air. I happened to catch it in a little movie but never showed it as it was sort of harrowing.
There was no real physical damage done to the dog but ever since she has HATED pigs. They don't hate her. They treat her as if she is a particularly annoying buzzing fly. As you would too if you were built like a mini Sherman tank made out of bacon.
I wonder what Miss Martha makes of it all?
What I Did On My Holidays

Winter's Bone

Can you imagine me, London Sister and Ganching at that carry-on?
Youse would be complete wimps. Youse would be, "Oh I'm scared!" or, "It's so dark!" or, "Is that a cow? It's looking at me!" Maybe Kerry or Leitrim Sisters could handle it but not you three!
New Blue Car

Best Best Man Ever
Happy Birthday Leitrim Sister

A Bit Of A Lout
Gaum - a fool, a simpletonGomach - a dupe, a gullible personGowk - stupid person, idioticGornical - odd looking, dim-witted personGype - a clumsy awkward personGalumpus - a stupid personGazeby - queer looking, a tall awkward personGaberloon - a stupid awkward fellowGah - a silly personGumph - a stupid personGulpin - thick-witted stubborn personGlipe - an uncouth fellowGloit - a blockhead, an awkward fellow, a boorGludgeon - a clumsy awkward personGlunter - a big awkward personGorgie - a foolish person, a clumsy silly personGowtril - good for nothing, a loutGunshion - thick-witted personGorkin - a big stupid person