

Second Annual Brooklyn Holiday Book Fair

Honey and Wax Booksellers will present the Second Annual Brooklyn Holiday Book Fair at The Old Stone House, 336 Third Street (bet. 4th and 5th Aves. -- F to 4th / R to Union) on December 7 from 11 AM TO 5 PM.

For the second year, Brooklyn indie bookshops and antiquarian
booksellers, celebrating the borough's long-term romance with writing,
reading and producing books, will fill the Old
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Ridge Creative Center Opens

Family Fridays

The Ridge Creative Center, a new learning initiative at First Evangelical Free Church providing family-based instruction through exploration and creative expression, is hosting "Family Fridays" from 3:30 to 5:30 PM on December 6 and 13.

Both events will focus on Scandinavian Christmas traditions like the Santa Lucia Festival and the tomtes, the charmingly naughty Scandinavian
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Authors Man Bookstore Registers on Small Business Saturday

If you're lucky, you might get rung up by your favorite author at the local indie bookstore on Small Business Saturday, November 30.

The event is called Indies First, a Small Business Saturday feature started by Sherman Alexie, one of my favorite authors.

Indies First allows authors to show their love for their favorite indie bookstore
by volunteering to work the store register on
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Gov. Cuomo Ups State Emergency Food Assistance

To address the shortfall created by the reduction this year in
federal SNAP benefits, which impacts 3.1 million New Yorkers, Governor Andrew Cuomo has announced $4.5 million in emergency food assistance grants for distribution to the 46 not-for-profit organizations that between them fund 2,600 emergency food providers statewide.

Among the 46 recipients of the state emergency food assistance
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Spaceship for Sale, St. Mark's Place

Contact RICK

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Flegging Or Culture?

Here is a thing I have noticed. It is this - if something good happens about which I am pleased and excited then, soon afterwards, I start to feel the opposite. For example - yesterday I received my SmartPass which means I now travel free on all bus and train networks within Northern Ireland. I put the paperwork in six days ago and was told it would take three weeks. It was six days. So I was feeling pretty good. Now I had the freedom to go wherever I chose. It certainly fitted in with my intentions of Getting Out A Bit More.

Then, the very next day, this thought entered my head. "You are sixty years old and what have you achieved? You're never going to amount to much now. Thought you were going to write something decent. That's never going to happen now! You haven't even made a start on that patchwork quilt you were saving fabric for!"  Of course I put this negativity far from my mind. Sort of.

Ach well. What is the point of beating up on myself? I had a lovely day with my girls today and I made some wine and cleaned out a couple of cupboards. I created a good dinner. Tomorrow I shall make plans to use my SmartPass. I'm thinking of maybe going to Belfast to observe the protest. Or perhaps I could go visit the City of Culture. I wonder which would make me feel more positive about life?

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Super Sunday Spaghetti Dinner

At 1 PM on Sunday, December 15, the Committee to save Mt. Manresa will host a Super Sunday Spaghetti Dinner fundraiser at Labetti Post, at 390 Hylan Blvd. in Staten Island, featuring food, family, raffles, live entertainment, and a sing-along with Frank James.

The ticket is $30.00.

In a Thanksgiving email blast, the Committee thanked State Sen. Diane Savino, Assembly Member Nicole
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Gentile: Congestion Pricing II Just So Much Grinchery

In a media release, local City Council Member Vinnie Gentile dismissed Mayor Michael Bloomberg's parting re-introduction of a wildly-unpopular 2008 congestion pricing plan as so much Grinchery, calling the "fanciful" proposal "dead on arrival" in South Brooklyn.

The city has to commit to faster, more reliable commuter transport for the outer boroughs before the mayor can talk about charging
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The Christmas Show at the St. George Theatre

The traditional Christmas Show at the St. George Theatre, at 35 Hyatt
Street in Staten Island, is a two-hour song and dance extravaganza
featuring both popular and sacred Christmas favorites like "Silver
Bells" and "O Holy Night", set in scenes from the North Pole to Central

The cast will be in the grand lobby for a meet and greet with the audience after the performance.

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"Twenty MPH Is Plenty"

Motivated by recent pedestrian deaths and statistics showing that those deaths could have been prevented by a lower speed limit, a group of safe streets activists, led by the organization Right of Way, changed
the speed limit along Park Slope West this weekend by hanging their own "20 MPH Is Plenty" signs.

One of their signs was posted at the intersection where 12-year-old Sammy Cohen
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Kelly's Hosts Benefit for Liz Walters

From 5PM to 2 AM on Saturday, December 7, Kelly's Tavern, at 9259 4th Avenue in Bay Ridge, will host "A Little Help from My Friends", a fundraiser for Liz Walters, undergoing a lengthy period of hospitalization and rehabilitation due to unexpected surgical complications.

The local resident and community activist is the single mother of two children.

Live music, featuring popular local bands
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Local "Toys for Tots" Drop-Off Locations

Heart to Heart Gifts

: Rosemarie Sayad
11/01/2013 - 12/02/2013
10am to 7pm Monday through Sunday
9006 3rd Avenue, Brooklyn, New York, 11209

Slope Fitness: Julitza Morales
11/13/2013 - 12/09/2013
Monday - Friday 530am-10pm, Saturday and Sunday 7am-8pm
808 Union St, Brooklyn, New York, 11209

BrooklynONE productions: Anthony Marino
12/12/2013 - 12/15/2013
461 99th street, Brooklyn ,
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Pumpkin Tree

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City Emerges as Specialty Foods Manufacturing Center

Contrary to what you may have heard, manufacturing hasn't died in New York City: it's just evolved. Food making, a fast-growing bright spot in the city's manufacturing sector, promises significant local job growth.

According to a recent report from the Pratt Center for Community
Development, food and beverage manufacturing in the city grew by more than 11% from 2008 and 2012, higher than
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Scandinavian Christmas Market

The Scandinavian East Coast Museum, host of the popular annual Viking Festival at Owls Head Park in Bay Ridge, will host a Scandinavian Christmas Market again this year at Nordic Delicacies, 6909 Third Avenue in Bay Ridge, from 10:00 – 3:00 on two successive Saturdays: November 30 and December 7.

The sale will feature Scandinavian Christmas items, a visit from Santa Claus and his helper Dee,
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War/Photography at the Brooklyn Museum

War/Photography: Images of Armed Conflict and Its Aftermath opened in the Robert E. Blum Gallery on the 1st Floor at the Brooklyn Museum on November 8 and will remain open until February 2, 2014.

The exhibit explores the experience of war through an unprecedented collection of 400 photographic
prints, books, magazines, albums, and camera equipment, including both well-known and previously
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Chadwick's a Food Maven Thanksgiving Favorite

According to Alex Schwartz's "Food Maven Diary" Chadwick's, at 8822 3rd Avenue (@89th) in Bay Ridge, is one of "Brooklyn's best Thanksgiving restaurants."

Because of its abundant portions, Chadwick's is definitely the place to go, Schwartz said, if you've got some big eaters in the family.

Chadwick's Thanksgiving Day Menu ($39.95 per person, plus tax and gratuities) features its famous
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A Deceptively Simple Message

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Knit and Crochet Sale at St. Patrick's

From 8:30 AM to 2 :00 PM on Sunday, November 24, St. Patrick's Church will host a sale of handmade knit and crochet items, under the archway between 95th and 96th Streets on 4th Avenue in Bay Ridge, including:

baby blankets and baby sets
lap blankets and afghans
knit pillows
headbands, hats and handwarmers
knit totes and pocketbooks, and
winter scarves.

It's a great opportunity to do some
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Reaching-Out Commuity Services' "Operation Gobbler"

With a $20.00 donation to local food pantry Reaching-Out Community Services' "Operation Gobbler", you can sponsor a needy family for a turkey dinner this Thanksgiving.

Every year, RCS, at 7708 New Utrecht Avenue in Bensonhurst, provides turkeys with all the trimmings to families in desperate need of help, but this year, the demand has far outstripped the supply.

In order to provide
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St. Patrick's Hosts Philippines Relief Drive

Tomorrow, Saturday, November 23, from 4-8 PM and Sunday, November 24 from 7:30 AM to 6 PM, the Afya Foundation and the ABS-CBN Foundation, partnered with the Philippine Red Cross, will collect medical and humanitarian relief supplies at St. Patrick's Auditorium, 97th Street and 4th Avenue in Bay Ridge, for an emergency shipment to the victims of Super Typhoon Haiyan.

The following supplies are
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Do You Remember Where...?

When I was ten I could never have imagined being fifty years older. To my young self it seemed an unimaginable, unbearable thing to be old. I was sure that I'd never see it. Nor did I care, because back then, even being twice ten, seemed aeons into the future.

My father would have been 44, my mother 37, John F. Kennedy was 46 and his wife Jacqueline 34. Irish Catholics were, at that time, tremendously proud of President Kennedy. It seemed a great thing to my parents' generation that an Irish-American Catholic was the 35th President of the United States of America. We Catholics might be getting treated as second-class citizens in Northern Ireland but, at least, one of our own was the leader of the free world.

It was dark when the news came. Daddy was feeding cattle in the byre and Mammy sent me out to tell him. I knew it was serious news but was still surprised at Daddy's reaction.

President Kennedy has been shot.

His poor face crumpled with dismay.

After the assassination Kennedy's portrait was hung in many an Irish home. Our neighbours even had a portrait of Pope John the 23rd, JFK and Bobby Kennedy, all in profile, hung in their kitchen. As the younger Kennedy died 5 years later I must have been 15 or 16 and I remember thinking it was terribly kitsch.

Time passed and the Kennedy lustre faded. As rumours and scandal emerged the Kennedy icons were quietly removed from kitchen walls. I was far too young to revere the family so experienced none of the disappointment that the older folk felt.

It used to be said, do you remember where you were when you heard the news that Kennedy was shot? I surely do. It takes me right back to the Murphystown Road, on a cold dark November evening when the warmth and light of our Irish-American dream began to evaporate. A strange time for a child. Two evenings later and we were visiting the McAuleys and the grown ups were full of the news. The television was switched on to see the latest and it was then that I saw that Kennedy's alleged assassin had himself been shot and killed whilst in police custody.  
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Don't Cry for Cats, Staten Island

According to the New York Post, Democratic City Council Member Dominic Recchia, challenging Conservative Republican Michael Grimm in next year's congressional race, has an unlikely backer: Republican supermarket mogul John Catsimitidis, who lost the mayoral primary to former MTA chair Joe Lhota.

Not only is Cats a Recchia fan, his daughter Andrea, married to state GOP chair Ed Cox's son, is
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Christmas Is Coming

Christmas is coming, the goose is getting fat
Please put a penny in the old man's hat
If you haven't got a penny, a ha'penny will do
If you haven't got a ha'penny, then God bless you!

Miss Martha is getting very excited about Christmas and at nursery school they are planning to put on a Nativity play. I believe she heard the story of Jesus' birth for the first time today. It can't have been that convincing.

Granny, the Baby Jesus isn't real.
He's not real. It's only a story,

On the way home I taught her the Christmas Is Coming rhyme. She liked it. Kept getting me to repeat it.

Say it again, Granny.

There were lots of questions.

Why is the goose getting fat?
So that people can eat it at Christmas. Who wants a thin goose? It needs to be fat and juicy.
What's a ha'penny?
Old money that we don't use any more.
What's 'God bless you'?
Something nice that people say to each other.

Later, when painting, she was creating a Nativity scene. The stable was pink.

Granny, what colour is a camel?
Sort of orangey brown.

Martha loves mixing colours. She knows how to make pink. Lots of red and lots of white. Her palette is enormous amounts of pink and little daubs of the other colours. We tried to make orangey brown with pink, yellow and black. It didn't look right. I cried off claiming I needed 5 minutes alone with my coffee and no interruptions. Martha declared that orangey brown needed green to make it work. So she finished off with a pink stable, an orangey browny greeny camelly creature and some clouds. No Baby Jesus for he's not real.

However Santa Claus is very real indeed.

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The Game of Death

It isn't clear where it originated, but it's been reported worldwide at least as far back as 1996 and in cities across the U.S., including Washington D.C., Pittsburgh, Chicago, St. Louis, and recently, Brooklyn.

The victims come from different national and ethnic groups, with white and vulnerable seemingly a common denominator. At highest risk are the elderly, the frail, the homeless, and the
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BRHS Shows the Samuel Winter Thomas Collection

A good turnout for the annual viewing of the Samuel Winter Thomas collection at this month's meeting of the Bay Ridge Historical Society at the Community Room at Shore Hill.

Thomas, a cigar manufacturer who moved to Bay Ridge in 1864 and for 50 years lived in a big wood-framed house on 75th Street and 3rd Avenue, was an avid amateur photographer who chronicled the neighborhood's transition
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Bratton: "Broken Windows" Could Reduce Traffic Deaths

William Bratton, addressing an NYU panel this week, said "the time has come" to apply the "broken windows" policing theory, which he successfully used to lower street crime when he served as former mayor Rudy Giuliani's police commissioner, to traffic fatalities in New York City.

As many people are now killed by traffic on city streets as die each year as the result of violent crimes, Bratton
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CB 10: Eliminate Bus Stops at 4th Ave. and 86th St.

Fatal Pedestrian Strike, 4th Ave. and 86th St.

Fresh off gutting the city Department of Transportation's 4th Avenue Revisioning Plan, Bay Ridge Community Board 10, an advisory body appointed by the local electeds, is lobbying the Metropolitan Transportation Authority and the NYS Department of Transportation to take out the bus stops at 4th Avenue and 86th Street.

The intersection at 4th
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Sandy Buyout Program Expanded

The Cuomo administration, as part of the state's Superstorm Sandy recovery process, has expanded the NY Rising Housing Recovery Program, aimed at reversing the tide of residential development into vulnerable coastal wetlands by offering buyouts to 129 flooded-out Staten Island homeowners.

Homeowners in the Ocean Breeze section, where two people drowned in the flood last year and many homes
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Commodore Barry Club Dance Social

Irish heritage organization The Commodore Barry Club will host its Annual Dance Social at St. Patrick's auditorium (97th Street and 4th Avenue entrance) in Bay Ridge from 4-8 PM on Sunday, December 8.

Musical duo Frank Keegan and Mary G. will play a popular mix of American and Irish tunes.

Tickets are $25 per person, which includes beer, soda, tea and coffee and soda bread.


The Barry
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Recchia to Host Football Fundraiser at His House

Democratic City Council Member Dominic Recchia, challenging Conservative Republican Michael Grimm in the 11th C.D., will host a campaign fundraiser at his home starting at 4 PM on Sunday, November 24, with food, fun and football: the New York Giants vs. the Dallas Cowboys.

According to a recent poll, Recchia now has a 1% lead on Grimm.

To RSVP for the fundraiser, call Nick Shulevitz at (718)
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Admiral's Row

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Planning Begins for Marylander Memorial Park

During the Battle of Brooklyn in August, 1776, two hundred and fifty-six Maryland infantrymen fell heroically near the Cornelius Van Brunt homestead in today's Gowanus/Park Slope fighting an audacious rear-guard action against the British Army.

Not until 119 years later, in August, 1895, was a monument erected in Prospect Park to honor them. But if the actual gravesite of these brave soldiers,
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Ridge Creative Center Open House

The new Ridge Creative Center, at the First Evangelical Free Church, at 6501 6th Avenue (on the border of Bay Ridge and Sunset Park) is a family-friendly learning initiative providing a broad-based curriculum in art, science and creative expression.

The center is hosting a series of open houses this month, with the next scheduled for Friday, November 22 from 3:30 – 5:30 PM. All are welcome to
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Christmas at the Brooklyn Lyceum

A Charlie Brown Christmas

During two weekends in December, the Brooklyn Lyceum, "where the slope meets the swamp" at 227 4th Avenue in Park Slope/Gowanus (R to Union/corner of President), will present an adaptation of the animated classic A
Charlie Brown Christmas, featuring a live jazz trio.

Performances will run from December 12-22: Thursdays and Fridays (December 12, 13 and 20) at 7PM;
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"Build It Back" Slowed by Shutdown?

In back-to-back NY 1 interviews, Republican State Assembly Member Nicole Malliotakis and Republican Congressional Representative Michael Grimm scored the city's "Build it Back" Hurricane Sandy Recovery Program as slow to arrive on Staten Island.

According to Grimm, the city has done nothing, more than a year down the road, to help hard-hit Staten Islanders move back home.

But according to the
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News from the Bay Ridge Food Co-op

The Bay Ridge Food Co-op will host its monthly Buying Club Distribution at Union Church, 7915 Ridge Blvd. (at 80th Street) in Bay Ridge on Friday, November 22 from 5:30 to 7:30 PM and on Saturday, November 23 from 11 AM to 1 PM.

Place your pre-order by 11:59 PM on Monday, November 18.

Dedicated co-op member and professional baker Didem, owner of Simply Di-Delicious Personal Chef and Gourmet
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Basic STAR Reapplication Deadline Approaching

State Senator Marty Golden, in an email blast, reminded local homeowners who get the basic STAR exemption but have not yet submitted a new application that the deadline is December 31, 2013.

Of the more than 2.6 million homeowners receiving basic STAR, more than 60% have not yet reapplied.

Registration is free and you can do it yourself online.

Some homeowners, according to Senator Golden's
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Enforcement Convergence on Carroll Gardens Building

On November 7, the city Department of Buildings, the Fire Department and the Environmental Control Board converged on an empty condo building designed by architect Robert Scarano at 165 9th Street in Carroll Gardens.

Firemen charged into the building, owned by notorious homeless housing profiteer Alan Lapes, after toxic levels of carbon monoxide were found.

DOB inspectors have posted "stop
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Vecchione Retires

According to the New York Post, Michael Vecchione, Charlie Hynes' beleaguered rackets chief, has put in for retirement and will leave his six-figure job in the Brooklyn D.A.'s office on December 12.

The news comes days after Vecchione abruptly sacked two veteran prosecutors for trying to dismiss an extortion case against Orthodox Jew Sam Kellner, believed to be anchoring a sweetheart plea deal
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Getting Out A Bit More

I'm off on my travels again tomorrow. This time going to Hanna's Close in Kilkeel with the grandchildren and their parents. I'm getting out a bit more these days. The reason is, when I was in Vancouver I realised that putting poor old Pearlie into respite for eight weeks a year was not the best way of getting respite from our situation. She had started to hate the disruption. To tell the truth, she was not fit for the upheaval neither physically or emotionally. When I told her, back in August, that we would not be sending her to respite care any more she beamed. I said,

We think you are getting too old for it.

Her look seemed to say, You have noticed. You have caught on at last!

Since then she has been noticeably happier and she has a much sweeter disposition.

And Nellybert? We're getting out a bit more and it is great. Pearlie stays home all the time and now and again we clear off. Sometimes we even get to go together.
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Trans-Alt Friendly New Electeds

Samuel Cohen-Eckstein Memorial

Advocacy organization Transportation Alternatives sees the recent turnover in the City Council and the borough halls making it easier for bicyclists and pedestrians to get a fair shake from city government.

Some highlights:

With Marty Markowitz out and trans-alt friendly Eric Adams in as Borough President, Brooklyn bicyclists are expected to get some respect.
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Libovits in Court on November 19

According to Haredi blogger Failed Messiah, pedophile rabbi Baruch Lebovits will appear in Brooklyn Criminal Court on November 19.

The court date may relate to what Jewish Week sources say could be a jail-free plea deal.

After Libovits was convicted in 2010 on 8 courts of child sexual abuse and sentenced to a term of 10-32 years in jail, his conviction was overturned on a technicality in 2012
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A Victory Lap for Bay Ridge Democrats

Fledgling local political club Bay Ridge Democrats, seeing its entire slate of endorsements -- Bill de Blasio, Tish James, Scott Stringer, Vinnie Gentile and Ken
Thompson -- elected last week, is in a self-congratulatory mood.

A party's in the works, with details to follow.

But for now, there's a monthly general meeting on Thursday, November 14 at 7:30 PM at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church,
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Impeached by Reality TV?

Remember "Brooklyn D.A." -- the controversial, now-cancelled reality show, which some called an "infomercial", that aired in Brooklyn D.A. Charlie Hynes' last months in office?

It seems that an obscure evidentiary pearl is hidden deep in those episodes.

According to Ron Kuby, head lawyer for 48-year-old Shabaka Shakur, jailed for 40-to-life in 1988 for the murder of two drug dealers, was a
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The White Whale

With his days in the Brooklyn District Attorney's office numbered, the New York Post reports that scandal-plagued rackets chief Michael Vecchione has sacked two assistant DAs for telling him to dismiss a flimsy extortion case against Orthodox Jew Sam Kellner.

When veteran prosecutors Joseph Alexis and Nicholas Batsidis, assigned to the Kellner case, told Vecchione they had no evidence against
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Leveraging Super Typhoon Haiyan

In an email blast, Bill McKibben's urges direct aid to the Philippine people, already reeling from the effects of climate change when Super Typhoon Haiyan hit last week leaving an estimated 10,000 people dead.

You can send aid to hard-hit areas like Tacloban though this list of organizations.

But the Philippine disaster provides an opening for more than just charity. During the next
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New State Programs for Veterans


As an incentive to hire veterans returning home from military service, employers in New York State who hire veterans will now be eligible for a tax credit equal to 10-15% of gross wages paid.

Small Business Loans for Veterans

The State Comptroller’s Office has announced the availability of $4 million in competitive fixed-rate small business loans for military veterans through
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Brooklyn Preservation Council at Scotto's

The Brooklyn Preservation Council will meet at 6:30 PM on Tuesday, November 12 at the Scotto Funeral Home, 106 First Place in Carroll Gardens.

Agenda items include the proposed Carroll Gardens Historic District; the proposed Marylander Memorial Park; a report on the archeology of Rawley Post; and reports from the Gowanus Canal Conservancy and Community Development Corporation, Park Slope
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BAC "Access Art" Benefit at Tabla Rasa

"Free Money"

On Sunday, November 17 from 3-5 PM (VIP preview 2-3 PM), Tabla Rasa Gallery, at 224 48th Street in Sunset Park, will host "Access Art", an affordable art sale to benefit the Brooklyn Arts Council.

Access Art offers the chance to buy original works by talented Brooklyn artists for $100 or $200. More than 60 pieces will be on sale, including work by the following artists, both
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"The Nutcracker" at the St. George Theatre

On Sunday, December 22 at 1 PM and 6 PM, The Vicky Simegiatos Dance Company will present Christmas classic "The Nutcracker", featuring New York City Ballet principal dancers Jared Angle and Rebecca Khron, at the legendary St. George Theatre, 35 Hyatt Street (2 blocks from the ferry) in Staten Island.

The 40-year-old not-for-profit dance company has presented an annual full-length production
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SUNY Playing Games again at LICH?

It's up. It's down....It's up....It's down...And LICH vs. SUNY ain't over yet.

Hospital operator SUNY diverted ambulances from Cobble Hill's LICH again last week, claiming there weren't enough specialists on hand.

Infuriated hospital workers called the claim "BS."

After a 2-day stoppage, ambulances resumed bringing patients to LICH again on Friday.

SUNY, trying to close LICH since this
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Wine To Five

In the past three weeks I have bottled 5 gallons of wine (30 bottles), racked 21 gallons, poured one gallon down the toilet and started one gallon. It is almost like having a job. I also drank some and gave some away to delighted and grateful  recipients.

In other news I am going to Leitrim tomorrow and will be accompanied by Miss Martha. My packing is nearly completed and hers is done. No doubt her mother will send some stuff too but I've got the important things taken care of - a choice of car seats, games, paints, books and a Snoopy dog. She spoke of her dressing up box but I don't think there will be time to dress up. I have packed The Tailor of Gloucester. I only read it for the first time yesterday and must admit that I found it very heartening. I think Martha will like it.

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Affordable Care Act Forum at Shore Hill

Have questions about the Affordable Care Act? Bring them to Community Board 10's Affordable Care Act Forum, at 7 PM on Thursday, November 14, at Shore Hill Community Room, 9000 Shore Road in Bay Ridge.

Andrew Gounardes, who chairs the CB 10 committee on senior issues, housing, health and welfare, moderates. Invited speakers include Pierre-Andre Devaud, a health care navigator for the
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Declining Population? No Worries, Mate.

A recent report from Population Connection, based on interviews with a group of economists and other academics, explodes the myth that economic growth depends on birthrate. In fact, according to the report, relying on population growth to offset the effects of an aging workforce is bad for the planet.

Contributors to the report included David Bloom of the Harvard School of
Public Health,
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News from the Committee to Save Mt. Manresa

Recchia Joins the Cause

City Council Member
Dominic Recchia, after viewing a presentation by the Committee, has
committed to doing whatever he can to help win local landmark status for Mt.
Manresa. Click here for related SI Advance coverage.

"Super Saturday" Rally

The Committee to Save Mt. Manresa will host a "Super Saturday" Rally this Saturday, November 9, at 10 AM. The meetup is on
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Raising Historic Preservation Funds on Kickstarter

The Pilgrim Restoration Committee at Brown Memorial Baptist Church in Clinton Hill has turned to Kickstarter to raise the $50,000 it needs to finish the restoration of its 1891 Tiffany stained glass windows.

The committee's goal is still a long way off: according to DNA Info, Brown Memorial's Kickstarter campaign, which opened on Nov. 1 and closes on December 31, had only raised $20 to date
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News from the Brooklyn Dog Training Center

Canine Good Citizen Program

The Brooklyn Dog Training Center, headed by licensed trainer Sarah Westcott, CPDT-KSA, is offering an AKC Canine Good Citizen (CGC) training course this fall, beginning November 21.

You can register for the training here. The cost of the 4 week course is $180.

CGC, established by the American Kennel Club through the Canine Partners Program in 1989, promotes
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The Brooklyn Rock Shop Swaps Barclays for Coney

Bensonhurst Bean Photo

Brooklyn-themed gift and T-shirt venue The Brooklyn Rock Shop has moved from its former Dean Street
location across from the Barclays Center to join "It's Sugar" as the second tenant in Thor's new commercial building at 3015 Stillwell Avenue in Coney Island.

According to Brownstoner, being right across the street from the Barclays Center brought the shop plenty of
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Tree Sweater

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Thursday Opening for Brooklyn Market?

That's what I heard from a guy emptying a scrub bucket out front.
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Dollars, Deception and Desperation

Proposal One on the back of Tuesday's ballot, amending the state's constitution to allow casino gambling to expand, passed by 57% of the vote.

In a lobbying triumph for the gambling industry, at least seven Vegas-style casinos will go up in what Governor Andrew Cuomo calls an effort to create jobs in economically-depressed upstate New York.

What Cuomo doesn't acknowledge is that the gambling
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Will Recchia "out-Italian" Grimm on the South Shore?

Even before Bill deBlasio was elected mayor of New York City, he and the Democratic Party had locked onto Democratic City Council Member Dominic Recchia's upcoming fight for Conservative Republican Michael Grimm's seat in the 2014 congressional election.

In the run-up to the mayoral election, deBlasio campaigned with Recchia at the Excelsior Grand in New Dorp, calling his former City Council
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I'll Wake up in a New City

Two Joes Down

Too wasted to post tonight. Just finished a brutal 17-hour stint as a poll worker.

Please check back tomorrow.
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On the Back of Tomorrow's Ballot

Update 11/6/13:
Sadly, all of the proposals passed.

When you go to your polling place tomorrow, November 5, you'll be back to optical scanners. No lever machines.

Before you cast your ballot, be sure to flip it over and read the back, where you will find a list of six proposed amendments to the state's constitution.

Amendments to the state constitution must pass the legislature
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A Look At Cat Breeds

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Over the last thousands of years, cats have pretty much handled their breeding themselves. In the beginning, they were used for one purpose – hunting and killing rodents. As the years progressed, we began to breed cats more to our liking. Now days, there are several different breeds of cats – which you can tell if you look closely.

These days there are over 70 distinct cat breeds, which are recognized through cat registries. There are several registries that will recognize around 40 breeds or so, as they exclude the more domestic breeds such as tigers. There are also many variations as well, including wild cats that have longer hair.

There are some cat breeds who have roots going back quite a bit in history. Some Japanese breeds, such as the Japanese Bobtail, can be traced back more than 1,000 years in history. These cats were very common and well known throughout Medieval Japan. Now days though, they are all but a myth throughout Japan and the entire world.

The more common cat breeds that are found in North America include the alley cat, long haired cat, and Persian cat. Siamese cats are also common, although they are well known to be destructive and to have a foul temper. Persian cats are very popular, proving to be loving companions. Persian cats can be very expense, depending on where you get it and what type of Persian cat it is.

Alley cats are the most common in North America. There are actually several different breeds, although most of us just refer to them as alley cats. They make good pets, although there are literally thousands of them in existence. Cats are known to breed more than any other pet, and they will continue to breed until they are stopped. Alley cats are among the most bred, as there are hundreds of thousands of cats that are homeless – and have nothing to do but breed.

The look of the cat is the easiest way to tell what breed he or she may be. Some people choose to go by color, although color isn’t as easy to identify. Different breeds of cats have different looks, such as the Siamese and Persian cats. Siamese cats are almost always black, and easy to identify by their color and their eyes. Persian cats on the other hand, are easily identified by their body type and their hair.

Over the years, there has been quite a few breeds come along. Cats were one of the first pets, and easily one of the most popular. Millions of people around the world own cats, with many people preferring a cat over any other pet – including dogs. No matter breed of cat you get – you’re sure to get a pet who make for a great companion for years and years to come.

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Cats Bonding With Their Owners

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There are a lot of experts out there who say that cats are strictly independent animals. These very same experts state that cats have chosen to associate with humans due to their strategy of survival. Although many argue with this statement, there are many who agree as well – although those that agree are normally those in the percentile who don’t agree with cats.

Anyone who has owned a cat will tell you that cats are great at bonding with people, although they are very particular. Normally, a cat will choose someone in the home that he bonds with. You’ll know when a cat wants to bond with you, as he will hop on your lap seeking attention or snuggle up to you at night when you are sleeping. Purring is a strong sign of affections, especially with cats that are looking to bond.

Although many experts have tried to figure it out, no one really knows why cats choose a particular person whom they will bond with. It could be the individual’s manners, voice, or simply how that person treats the cat. Perhaps it may be the individual is really gentle, or maybe a little more forceful – bringing the best out in the cat.

There are a lot of ways that researchers have tried to take this subject, one of which being psychic. Some say that cats bond with someone due to a “psychic aura” that is compatible with both the person and the cat. If a cat feels that someone is giving them a bad vibe, they will simply ignore that person. Although this can be true to a sense for some, a majority of those who own cats will tell you that this couldn’t be any further from the truth.

Even though there are a lot of theories and speculation out there, no one really knows why cats bond with humans. There’s little to no proof available as well, other than cats and their natural instinct for physical survival. Those who own cats know that cats crave attention, simply to make them feel needed. They love to be pampered by their owners, and will shower you with attention and affection if you just give them the chance.

Those who are new to owning cats may find bonding to be very different. Cats are different from other animals, including dogs, in the sense that they bond different. Different breeds of cats will bond different with their owners, although most prefer affection and attention. The more time you spend around your cat, the more he will bond with you. Over the years, you’ll find that the bond you create with your pet has grown very strong – and simply cannot be broken.

Word count: 454

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Dale Page, a Homeless Prince

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Hynes: Child Victim Advocates "Mosrim"

As posted to Failed Messiah, Brooklyn District Attorney Charlies Hynes published a Yiddish ad this week in Der Yid calling the Orthodox child sex abuse victim advocates supporting his Democratic opponent Ken Thompson "informers" from the "dregs of the Jewish community."

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Happy Birthday, Two Today

birthday girl, originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
Evie is two years old today. Happy birthday adorable one!
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Cold Climate Dogs and How to Care for Them

At Steve’s Wonderful World of Pets, we have 5 core values that guide our business.
Steve's Pets Western New York Our Values
Cherish & Nurture
Provide a healthy, happy environment for pets, where love and compassion are the foundation for their care.
Be the Trusted Expert
Listen with care, answer with knowledge, and act with integrity.
Foster the Human/Animal Bond
Recognize that a pet’s unconditional love is priceless and changes our lives for the better.
Fun Is Good Business (And Good Business Is Fun!)
Encourage our guests of all ages to play with and enjoy the pets when they visit.
Speak Up for What’s Right
Serve as advocates for our pets, our customers, our employees, and our community.
Keep It Local
Partner with local businesses and support local organizations to help build Buffalo.
For fun here a list of breeds you may not be too familiar with but are known to tolerate cold climates. Such as Western New York.
Although any breed can live in cold climates with proper care and grooming, some breeds tend to fare better than others. Dogs living in areas known for cold temperatures typically are larger dogs with thick hair coats. When selecting a breed of dog, consider your outside environment, especially if he will spend a lot of time outside.
Siberian husky. This beautiful and regal dog has been used to pull sleds in arctic countries for centuries. Originating in Siberia, this breed was very important in the 1925 "diphtheria serum run" that saved the lives of hundreds of Alaskan children. This run later became the Iditarod.

Chow chow. The chow is one of the most easily recognized breeds. Popular because of his thick fluffy coat, the chow is a great guard dog and can readily tolerate cold weather.

Anatolian shepherd. Recently accepted by the AKC, the Anatolian shepherd has an intense devotion and loyalty to his family and flock. Considered one of the best guard dogs around, this dog is slowly gaining popularity in the United States. Used to harsh weather, this dog thrives in cold environments.

Keeshond. A Dutch favorite, the keeshond is a loving and devoted family pet. Related to other Arctic breeds such as the chow chow, samoyed and Pomeranian, the keeshond has a thick coat to protect him in harsh weather.

Samoyed. This big white dog with a smiling face is popular because of his gentleness. Sturdy and covered with a thick coat, this dog can live outdoors as long as there is plenty of contact with his family. Used as sled dogs, they are able to pull about 1 1/2 times their own weight in equipment and supplies

Norwegian elkhound. This dog is descended from canines that served with the Vikings. Brave enough to track bear and moose, the elkhound is also hardy enough to live in the harshest of climates.

Akita. One of the national dogs of Japan, the akita is a dignified and courageous dog. Originally used to hunt bear and guard property, the akita has a thick coat, which protects him from the elements.
Irish wolfhound. This gentle giant was originally developed to hunt wolves in Ireland and readily tolerates cold weather. The massive size of this dog leads him to enjoy the wide open spaces of the great outdoors.

Bouvier des Flandres. The Bouvier originated in Belgium and was originally used to drive cattle and pull carts. His size, strength and coat allow him to live comfortably in cold climates.

Golden retriever. As one of the most popular breeds, the golden retriever is an excellent family pet and can thrive in harsh environments. With a long hair coat, the golden prefers to spend time with his owner.

Old English sheepdog. Easily recognized by his thick white and grey coat, the Old English sheepdog is not as popular as other breeds but he can live anywhere. At home in chilly climates, the OES needs daily grooming to keep his coat healthy.

Saint Bernard. No other dog has been as strongly linked to a barrel of whiskey as the Saint Bernard. Companions of monks, the Saint Bernard has saved many people who have been lost or injured in the frigid Swiss Alps.

Greater Swiss mountain dog. This breed was developed in Switzerland as a working dog. Bred to guard, herd and haul heavy carts, the Greater Swiss Mountain dog enjoys the cold outdoors.

Bernese mountain dog. As with the Greater Swiss Mountain dog, the Bernese was also developed as a draft dog. Hardy and strong, the Bernese is at home indoors or out and thrives in cold weather.

Great Pyrenees. A true shepherd dog, the Great Pyrenees has accompanied many sheep herders and was an invaluable asset when the sheep needed protection and direction. A great watchdog, his thick hair coat lead him to prefer the cooler parts of the world.

Alaskan malamute. Bred to pull sleds over frigid terrain, the Alaskan malamute is ideally suited for life outdoors, though not in hot climates. His heavy coat is better for cold climates.

Bearded collie. The bearded collie may not be as popular as some other breeds but he has plenty of admirers. A hardy dog that thrives as a sheep dog in Scotland, this breed has a thick coat that allows his to thrive in cold outdoor weather.

German shepherd. Nearly always topping the most popular breed lists, the German shepherd has natural guarding and protecting instincts. His double hair coat insulates him in cold weather and he can be quite content spending his days and nights outside.

Shiba inu. Considered one of the smallest of the Japanese breeds, the shiba inu is the most popular companion dog in Japan. Endowed with a thick coat, the shiba inu is used to winter weather.

Newfoundland. Originating in Newfoundland, it is easy to understand why this dog loves the water. A large and strong dog, the Newfie has been used to help fishermen, pull heavy carts and rescue people from a potential watery grave. The Newfoundland's hair coat allows him to tolerate even cold frigid water.
Care for Outdoor Dogs
Some people, due to space limitations or personal preference, choose to keep their dog outdoors. In areas where winters can be harsh, these pets need special care. Even though the dog lives outdoors, you should prevent your dog from roaming through the neighborhood. A fenced-in yard is best and recommended, but if this is not possible, keeping your dog on a long tie-out can also restrict unwanted roaming. It is really best for your family pet to be indoors with you as much as possible.

Housing and Shelter

In the winter, adequate shelter is essential to provide warmth and keep the dog dry. Dogs need to have a comfortable and safe place to escape the cold snow and harsh chilling winds. A large doghouse with blankets or straw bedding works well. Make sure the opening to the doghouse is not facing the wind. Some people choose to equip the doghouse with heat. This should be professionally done. Heating pads or heating lights powered by electric cords is not recommended. Curious dogs can chew the cords and create a serious hazard.

The bedding within the doghouse will need to be changed periodically. The straw can become moldy and the blankets can become dirty and wet. Moldy straw can create a variety of skin and respiratory problems. Dirty and wet blankets can make the dog very uncomfortable and lead to illness.


Keeping your outdoor dog regularly groomed will help maintain a healthy hair coat and provide proper insulation. Shorthaired dogs will have a difficult time in cold weather and it is not recommended to keep these breeds outdoors. Long thick hair coats provide excellent insulation but mats and debris caught in the hair will diminish the insulation effect. Keep the coat brushed and free of mats.

Steve's Wonderful World of Pets
5397 Sheridan Drive
Buffalo, NY. 14221

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